YCG 向磅士卑省一百所孤儿院捐款

A hundred underprivileged students in the Somroung Tong District of Kompong Spue province, received food and stationery from Y Chhe Group on June 23, 2021, as part of our community outreach programme.

A hundred underprivileged students in the Somroung Tong District of Kompong Spue province, received food and stationery from Y Chhe Group on June 23, 2021, as part of our community outreach programme.

The Covid-19 outbreak has caused devastation across the world and requires community effort to help one another. This donation was aimed to help vulnerable minorities, such as children in orphanages, hit by the pandemic.

YCG is committed to “Building tomorrow with you” by empowering Cambodian students who represent our nation's future. It is in our mission to ensure that these children have equal access to educational opportunities and to give them a reason to believe in their aspirations.